
ambi-z-array logo The ambisonics Z array is a family of microphones designed with MEMS capsules. Ambisonic microphones can be used to record multichannel music for VR. Our goal is to democratize ambisonic hardware.

selector_canva logo SElectOr is a computer music collectic comprised of mostly of graduate students. The objective of the collective is to organize computer music concerts at UCSD which combine acoustic and digital instruments.

synth-esthesia logo Synthesthesia is a VR project for HTC Vive that lets the user make music in VR. The user can also spatialize sources inside the experience. Our goal is to create a performance and production system which lets you make and mix music in VR.

synth-esthesia logo An instance of the IEM HOAST player to showcase my music in 3OA. This player works for mobile, HDMs, and desktop computers. Wear headphones.