
Videos, movies, & clips

Chaqu: original music, edited video from online footage from commons. Showcased at NYCEMF22 in 16 channels. Chaqu is an instrumental chacarera with electronic elements. A tribute to la pachamama. Here is the abstract and the poem.

Death of A Robot from Gabriel Zalles on Youtube.

Experimental film. Original audio. Original Video. Created using MAX/MSP. This project was later developed into a WebXR experience. See "work" page.

Blue from Gabriel Zalles on Vimeo.

Experimental film. Original audio. Composited stock footage. The audio was created using algorithmical compositional processes. Oddly enough, the music was created using MATLAB.

Psychomotor from Gabriel Zalles on Vimeo.

An experimental film made at UCSD. In collaboration with Colton Garner and Landen Douglas. The music was created by myself using recordings from an analog synth combined with sequencers from a DAW.

Chapters from Gabriel Zalles on Vimeo.

Somehow describes the way I feel when change manifests itself. The music is by Philip Glass. The video was edited from stock footage. I edited it and recorded my friend playing the piece on the piano using Protools. Enjoy! 🎶